Find Me Digital Create Ticket

Once you fill out the "Sign Me Up" form, you will receive a confirmation email. Simply send the items listed in the email and FMD will take care of the rest. You will receive a confirmation email with reporting once your location is built and optimized.

$525/year per location for year 1 and then $185/year auto-renewal thereafter for ongoing maintenance and Find Me service.

To start website SEO, here is the best process to follow:

1. Have a trusted, reliable and expert source to perform your SEO

2. Decide on the most effective (highest probability) keywords and phrases for your strategy, more is not better.

- For best results, stick to: business/location information, top 3-5 product types, product names, and brands

3. Know your gmail address and password associated to your business. This enables them to verify your domain within Google and generate code that will get added on your websites home page source code and/or add Google Analytics as verification.

4. Be ready to share your websites control panel and/or FTP account with your trusted and reliable source. This access allows them to perform SEO in your meta data and on-page throughout your website.

- FTP allows the SEO advisor to do the work, but not get full permission throughout your website's backend

- Your web services provider should be able to help with this step

5. Now the SEO work can begin

6. Actual SEO takes approximately 30- 60 days (depending on geographic location and competitive landscape) to start displaying these new SEO modifications within the search rankings

7. Tip: Do not have more than 1 SEO professional conducting website SEO. Because of different levels of experience, knowledge and ideologies this could create conflicts- which would lead to lower search rankings.

$1500/location for year 1 and then $750/year auto-renewal thereafter to continue on-page SEO processes.

The differences in these programs are very clear with both directly working together to help your online visibility. Below you will see a description of each so you can better understand the function of both, differences and correlation(s).

Optimal (website optimization)- works exclusively with your websites' back-end code and content to help your website to create a better signal strength with Google and increase it's positioning in the rankings.

Find Me (inclusion)- adds all of your location information into all Google local SEO marketing platforms as to authenticate ownership (through attentiveness), generate accurate data and increase overall business visibility while prospective customers are searching. When this side is done correctly it then works in collaboration with your website to drive the highest ranking for your business while decreasing your competitors.

The practice of SEO is a culmination of marketing tactics focused on growing visibility (signal strength) to your website in the organic (non-paid) section of Google's search results. It encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines while attracting the most qualified consumers to your website. There are many aspects to website SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the website to the overall website structure- content and design.

Here's how it works: Google (or any search engine you're using) has a crawler that goes out 24/7 and gathers information about all the content they can find on the internet, like your website. The crawlers bring all the information that it gathers, back to the search engine to build an index. That index is then fed through an algorithm that tries to match all that data with someone's search query, as accurately and as fast as possible.

Your customers are already out there roaming the web looking to spend money. The trick is to have them find you while they are in that mindset. That's where keywords come in. Keywords are words or phrases that help determine the right signal frequency (match) between the searcher and the business's website. Building a solid keyword list helps you reach only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers.

Search engine algorithms change frequently and SEO tactics must evolve in response to those changes. Remember, SEO is helping to build awareness (visibility) to your website pre-dominantly.

When conducting a search for your own business, understand that Google uses your devices IP address to know your geographical location to help best serve your search results. Clearly, it will steer you, and others in your proximity, closer to your business more than someone 100+ miles away. It's important to understand this to help manage your expectations and any false positives that could occur.

When committing to certain keywords and phrases, this would be the most practical items to search for before, during and after the SEO process since these were the pre-determined choices for your strategy. If you sell sporting goods and you search for car washes in your area, do not be surprised if your business does not appear. But, if you sell sporting goods and you search for basketballs, this is more relevant and you should expect to be found in searches like this. The point, don't go too broad with your search unless it was understood prior.

Life will be much easier if everyone has a full understanding of the search terms that were initially agreed upon.

Because they will own it. If you stop working with them, they can legally own the Gmail account and not give it back. By owning the Gmail account, they will have complete control over your Google properties. Once you create the Gmail account, you will simply be loaning it to us so we can unlock all privileges to each platform on Google.

Find Me Digital (FMD) will verify your location on Google+, if it has not already been done, and then include all of your location data across all 7 Google platforms for increased signal strength and Quality Score (QS). With 24/7 access to FindMe Digital for all questions, edits, modifications or troubleshooting. FMD has the ability to expedite requests for manual verification, map marker adjustments and transferring page ownership, as a few examples to help dealers.

No. Once you submit your sign-up form, the work will be immediately started. There will not be any refunds once you have signed-up, since the work begins upon our reception of your sign-up form and is not contingent on receiving your reply to our confirmation request.. You can opt-out of the annual recurring charges by selecting FIND ME SUPPORT on this page (only when maintenance program is eligible). Please discuss your decision with your DSM prior to your decision.

The work was done a certain way and should be maintained with the same level of integrity to ensure consistency, relevancy and effectiveness. Google changes their rules so frequently that business owners are usually unaware and get confused when they are surpassed by competitors. Staying on top of these changes is critical to being found and seen as a significant competitive advantage.

Any changes, edits, modifications to your business should be made across all platforms, not just Google+ and you will have this done for you when necessary Find Me can contact Google directly and handle issues in real-time Incredibly cost effective compared to the alternatives