Digital marketing can be very confusing and expensive when you are unsure of your online health and visibility.

Find Me Digital is an digital marketing partner that helps implement the most effective Google practices and compliance strategies, to become more accessible to prospective customers through local search, website SEO and other highly effective strategies to increase your overall visibility on Google. Our approach increases the probability of your business being found by qualified prospects while they are in the decision making process. The stronger your business' signal strength to Google, the higher probability that you'll be found by prospects. The higher your visibility, the more opportunities.

  • What do we do?

    The Find Me program applies Google best practices to each participating dealership to help them maximize full visibility on Google. We do it right the first time to earn your trust and give you long-term peace of mind. When you do it right the first time, you get more and spend less!

  • What we don't do?

    We do not work with Adwords (paid search) or website optimization because It's already being handled for your dealership.

  • Why is Google so important for a business?

    Google currently controls 94% of the total search market. This is where your customers are, while searching for solutions during their buying mode. The business with the best signal strength on Google gets rewarded with more qualified traffic.

  • What is the actual opportunity?

    Cost effective expertise that continues long past the initial engagement with ongoing support, education and oversight for every dealer, while maximizing full visibility potential throughout Google.

  • What are the advantages of the program?

    Higher visibility, more qualified traffic, reduced costs, higher impact and peace of mind that it is being handled for you correctly.

How It Works

Health Check

We conduct initial platform audits of each dealership to identify all voids and opportunities within Google’s local marketing platforms. Contrary to what some vendors may want you to think, claiming your location is not nearly enough.


Once we identify the voids, we then add your location data throughout these platforms (opportunities) to ensure full accuracy and thorough inclusion. This is when your dealerships signal strength starts to increase. Where there may be any inaccuracies, empty data or incorrect platform utilization, this is where these all get fixed. 


On Nov 11, 2019 Google disabled incoming support calls. We are always here!

Maintenance: Location information changes. Hours of operation fluctuate by the season. Employees that were managing Google for you, leave, and you cannot find your login to regain ownership. A new platform was added or removed. We make sure these get fixed immediately.

Updates: Google is notorious for making a massive amount of unannounced changes that impact your business. You will always be compliant with these updates to stay ahead! Vendor management: Vendors are continuously contacting you trying to sell things that you already pay for or do not need. We will help you understand or even get on a call with that vendor. Money is much better in your pocket!

Miscellaneous: Through the years we’ve been known to help dealers with many items that are not part of the Find Me program. There is no extra charge for this, we are your partner!


Our primary objective is to stay informed on all Google updates that will help each dealership have more competitive advantages through online visibility. To make sure that this continues to happen, we complete the full process 4 x’s per year (“quarterly inclusion”) as a significant opportunity to stay out in front.

On Nov 11, 2019, Google has stopped all incoming call support for it's customers making it virtually impossible to solve their most immediate issues.

Find Me Digital is an digital marketing partner that helps implement the most effective Google practices and compliance strategies, to become more accessible to prospective customers through local search, website SEO and other highly effective strategies to increase your overall visibility on Google. Our approach increases the probability of your business being found by qualified prospects while they are in the decision making process. The stronger your business' signal strength to Google, the higher probability that you'll be found by prospects. The higher your visibility, the more opportunities.

We Understand


Our dealers are being bombarded with calls from strangers using scare tactics to get them to spend money that is either misdirected, surface-level (ineffective) or unnecessary.


These calls are by salespeople looking to make a commission and are not experts at the topic that they are calling on, pitching high cost low value programs, while confusing the dealers.


Based on confusion and bad experiences, dealers have been trained to disregard these conversations, even the right ones, based on a serious lack of trust. This has led to neglect of the main items that require attention and that will help their dealership grow. This cycle creates friction, confusion and negativity.

Who is Find Me Digital?

FMD is a digital marketing partner focused specifically on Google marketing strategies for location-based businesses helping them to properly utilize each platform on Google for high impact maximum visibility. FMD ensures that every dealer receives the highest level of expertise, customer service and best practices for their business as cost effectively as possible.

What Makes Us Different?


We take great pride in your success and treat your business as if it was our own.


The are here for the long-term. We are always available for any reason.

Cost effective

We believe that business owners have enough to focus on without cost getting in the way of the best programs for their business

Signal Strength


Our top priority is for your business to attract the most qualified prospects and position you for success.


Our customer success team is always available for consultation and creative problem solving.

Get More!

We are firm believers that when something is done right the first time you can keep more of your money in your pocket.