Congratulations...You are now signed up for the Find Me Polaris program!
(Please read as this may answer some of your immediate questions)


Hello and Welcome!

1. Use this page as your confirmation to the Find Me program. You may receive an email requesting very specific location and business information to send back to us. This will only be sent if we require it to proceed. Otherwise, you will not receive a confirmation email from us. It's very important to forward us all the information requested so your process can be as effective as possible. If there are some items, like photos and videos, that you may not have today then you will have the opportunity to send them at a later time. Over 80%+ of the initial work can be done by us, without any additional information from you. But, we would still like it, when requested.

2. Once you submit this form, we started your optimization process and trust that you understand the Find Me program prior to sign-up submission.

3. When any information is received, we will use it to complete the process that is already in motion. If information is missing during our review process, we will contact you directly and request all items necessary.

4. Your dealer information will be sent to Polaris directly, for co-op approval and processing.

5. You can always select SUPPORT for any questions that you may have.

6. Auto-renewal: By signing up for the Find Me program, you will now have full coverage 24/7/365 for all updates, edits, changes and issues regarding your Google local SEO initiative. Every June you will be charged the promotional rate of only $275 as a maintenance fee to continue the program and provide you with peace of mind on this issue. This is a promotional rate that has been agreed upon and significantly lower than current market pricing.

7. Cancellation Policy: There is not a cancellation option upon submission of the sign-up form. Once you sign-up for the Find Me Program the work will begin immediately. You can opt-out of the annual auto-renew and not receive a recurring annual change by visiting the website and submitting a ticket through "Support". But, there will not be refunds or cancellations offered once the work has begun.

This program is a local search initiative, offered exclusively to Polaris dealers, using Google as the primary platform for customer accessibility. While specific results are not promised or guaranteed, you will be provided the most thorough and accurate process to increase the probability of success and to create a significant competitive advantage.

Do you work on my website at all? No, all of our work is done through Google directly and we do not work on your website or SEO, for any reason. But, through the program, you can always reach out and ask any questions about your website ranking(s) and ask us for suggestions as we will provide as must support as possible.

How does co-op work? Once you enroll in the program, we take your dealer information, from the form that you provided, and add that to a master list. This list is then forwarded to Polaris, within 90 days of enrollment, for processing the correct co-op allocation. We do not charge you directly.

What is it that you do exactly? Here are the steps involved:

Audit: We use our 360 Scope auditing steps to see if you have claimed your business listing, have added your location data throughout the GoogleSphere and that your data is accurate across all platforms.

Fix: After identifying any location data inaccuracies, map marker issues or incomplete processes we then fix what we can without requiring information from you.

Inclusion: This is where we could recommend a more detailed business description which would be used across all of Google's platforms as we continue to include your business data throughout Google for the highest signal strength possible.

Reach Out: In many cases when a business has not claimed their listing, we will reach out to you and request a Gmail address and password so we can start this process for you. We would also require this is we were going to make changes to your Google My Business page directly.

Rankings: Within 30 days we will monitor to see how Google has processed your location data through the Local Map Pack and Right Knowledge Panel listings. Then we will decide if the Google platforms are effectively assisting your actual website within the organic rankings.

Monitoring: There are many factors involved in ranking on Google. All businesses have different factors such as competition, proximity to larger metro cities and how attentive that they are to their online properties. It's important for us to understand all so we can continue to help but also to provide you with the correct answers and expectations.

Quarterly Cycle: Google is notorious for making a massive amount of unannounced changes that impact your business. You will always be compliant to stay ahead as we perform 4 updates per year to ensure top relevance and a significant competitive advantage.

Support: Location information changes, employees leave, there will be questions about your position on Google, 3rd party vendors will be constantly pitching you. We are right there for you when anything comes up that you'd like assistance on, even if unrelated to the program.

Stay Focused: This program has been generated to help you do what you do best and focus on selling more products. We are providing you the industries top expertise, Google's best practices and an incredibly low price point promoting longevity so you always have full-coverage without the confusion.

How often do you reach out to me? Unless we need something from you, we typically do not. The Find Me Polaris program is something that continues as to provide constant oversight and Google best practices. Unlike other programs and services, there is not a hard stop that says "ok, we are done!". After the initial steps, the process starts over again each quarter to ensure full impact. But, if you have any questions or issues, please go back to the site and click SUPPORT so we can discuss.

How can I measure my progress? You can always perform random searches and scans on pertinent keywords to see where you rank throughout your local area. These do tend to fluctuate based on the amount of attention, and resources, that your competitor(s) decide to invest. Optimization is a constant flowing activity that requires ongoing attention. To measure your progress in the Find Me Polaris program, simply 1) re-visit this site in which you just enrolled, 2) select DASHBOARD at the top, and 3) type in your dealer #. This will give you a good idea of all that has and is being done for you. When you hover over your local signal score, you will see your prior score. It's great to watch this increase over time.

What kind of sales growth should I expect? Whenever optimization is involved, whether local (Find Me Polaris) or your website (SEO), the job of these activities is to generate the strongest signal strength possible, based on best practices, so Google can find your business and serve it to the most relevant customer queries. Optimization is to make you more visible so your business can be considered when someone is searching for what you do within your geography. In store traffic and conversions (sales) is the job of each business. For example, if a prospective customer finds your business online through a random search, and then they come to your dealership. There are so many factors like attentiveness by your staff, perception of product expertise and store cleanliness that the potential customer could decide to go elsewhere if not confident about there experience. The web did it's job and should never be held accountable for conversion.

Can you help us update our Google My Business page? Of course. In the case that you would like items updated, new messaging or deeper levels of optimization, we can definitely help you with this, upon your request. Please go to the website and fill out a support request with the details of what you are looking for. In most cases, we will require login credentials to the Gmail account that is attached to your dealership.

How accurate is your work? We don't want to brag, but... Just kidding. We are human like anyone else. For the best results we do everything manually, to make sure we get it right. In the cases that there are some issues, the good news is that they can be fixed very quickly. If you notice anything that requires fixing, please submit a support ticket with the details and we will get after it immediately.

Why are my competitors showing up better than me? Unfortunately, Google is a "pay to play" platform. In some cases your competition could have a greater spend within certain keywords in your geography. This is very common. Our way around this is to create a significant competitive advantage by using "attentiveness" through our quarterly cycle(s) to constantly update your location data in Google. Google does reward this behavior. If you see that you are being outranked in key areas, select support and request a conversation to discuss options. Typically in this case, we are helping you understand and directing you to whom ever handles your website.

Disclaimer: The Find Me Polaris program will never guarantee ranking results for two reasons, 1) this is what the scammers in the industry do and 2) there are too many factors controlling search rankings. What we do guarantee is that we will perform to the highest level of expertise and best practices so your dealership is fully utilizing the many marketing platforms that Google offers. With this, you should have a significant competitive advantage within your local search radius.

We are very happy to have this opportunity to help!


Welcome aboard!